Thursday, March 4, 2010

Etsy Fave Item of the Day - Vintage 70's Henry Lee Dress

I haven't decided if I'll make this a daily blog thing or not just yet, but do intend on tweeting one favorite per day.  (You can follow me on Twitter by clicking here.)  I like to window shop on Etsy.  It's one of the ways I fill the time when I'm up with Baby Sam when he should be sleeping. :)  I have hearted a million, badillion things.  I figured maybe I should share some of these things with yall!

Today's pick is from a seller local to me, although I don't know her.  Her shop is named GeorgiaVintage.  If I was a few sizes smaller, trust me, this would be mine!  I love the crisp lines and the waisted fit.  It comes with a belt that isn't pictured too by the way.  You can view this item on Etsy by clicking here.

1 comment:

  1. Me no likey.. but I do happen to like a lot of the things you heart! :)
    Hows baby Sammy? Miss you!


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